Routing # 321076470

Down Payment on a House

March 3, 2024 9 mins

One of the biggest challenges that many home buyers face is saving enough money for a down payment. A down payment is the amount of money that you must deposit upfront when you buy a home with a mortgage loan. 它通常以最终销售价格的百分比表示. 你付的金额也会影响你的贷款金额, 利率, 每月的付款, 抵押贷款保险.
你需要多少首付款取决于几个因素, 比如贷款的类型, the lender, the property, 还有你的信用评分. While some people may think that they need to save 20% of the home price for a down payment, 有很多选择可以让你少花很多钱 – or even nothing at all. Here are some of the most common down payment options for home buyers and their pros and cons. 资本和抵押品. Read below to understand what each of them means and why they matter.

Conventional loans

传统的贷款 are mortgages that are not insured or guaranteed by the federal government. 它们是由私人贷款人提供的, such as banks, credit unions, 抵押贷款公司, 他们遵循房利美和房地美制定的标准, two government-sponsored enterprises that buy and sell mortgages.
传统的贷款 typically require a minimum down payment of 3% to 5% of the home price, 这取决于贷款人和贷款项目. For example, 500美元的定金是3%,000美元的房子是15美元,000, 而5%的首付款是25美元,000.
While many homebuyers don’t want to tie up all their liquid cash in their home, they should be aware that they’ll pay a premium for putting down less than 20%. When you 首付不超过20%, 你必须支付私人抵押贷款保险(PMI), which is an extra fee that protects the lender in case you default on the loan. PMI的成本可能在0.每年贷款金额的5%和1%. 一旦你的房屋净值达到20%,它通常就会被取消.
The benefits of conventional loans are that they have lower 利率s and more flexible terms than some other loan types. They also have fewer restrictions on the property and the borrower, and they typically do not have any upfront mortgage insurance premiums. However, the drawbacks are that they have stricter credit and income requirements, 他们可能有更高的 closing costs 比其他贷款类型收费高.

Tips & Facts

While some people may think that they need to save 20% of the home price for a down payment, 有很多选择可以让你少花很多钱.

FHA loans

FHA loans are mortgages insured by the Federal Housing Administration, 住房和城市发展部的一个分支. 它们旨在帮助低收入和中等收入的借款人, 尤其是首次购房者, 买房子.
联邦住房管理局贷款要求最低首付款为3英镑.如果你的信用评分在580分以上,则按房价的5%支付. If your credit score is between 500 and 579, you will need a 10% down payment. 不管你的首付款多少, you will have to pay for two types of mortgage insurance: an upfront mortgage insurance premium (UFMIP), which is 1.75% of the loan amount, and an annual mortgage insurance premium (MIP), which ranges from 0.45% to 1.每年贷款金额的05%. Unlike PMI, MIP cannot be canceled unless you refinance to a conventional loan.
Refinancing has its own credit and income requirements and also depends on the current 利率 market. If your current 利率 is below what you can get by refinancing, 那你就得继续付MIP.
The benefits of FHA loans are that they have lower credit and income requirements, and they allow for higher debt-to-income ratios than conventional loans. At times, they may also have lower 利率s than conventional loans. However, the drawbacks are that they have higher mortgage insurance costs. They also have more restrictions on the property and the borrower, such as limits on the loan amount and the types of homes that are eligible.

VA loans

VA loans are mortgages that are guaranteed by the Department of Veterans Affairs. 他们是提供给符合条件的服务成员, veterans, 以及符合某些标准的幸存配偶, such as serving a minimum period of active duty or being discharged under honorable conditions.
退伍军人管理局贷款不需要任何首付款, 贷款金额不超过VA的贷款限额, 价格因县而异,从766美元起,550 to $1,149,825 in 2024.
However, 你必须支付一次性的退伍军人资助费用, which is a percentage of the loan amount that helps cover the cost of the program. 而大多数退伍军人通常支付2美元.15%,这个费用可以从0.5% to 3.3% depending on your type of service, your loan type, and your down payment amount. The VA funding fee can be paid upfront or rolled into the loan amount, 对于某些借款人,它可以被免除或减少, such as those with a service-connected disability or those receiving VA disability compensation.
The benefits of VA loans are that they do not require any mortgage insurance, and they have lower 利率s and more flexible terms than conventional loans. 它们的信贷和收入要求也更为宽松, and they do not have any prepayment penalties or minimum credit score requirements. However, the drawbacks are that they have a limited pool of eligible borrowers. They also have more restrictions on the property and the borrower. For example, 你的家必须是你的主要住所, 而且必须符合退伍军人管理局的最低财产要求.

USDA loans

USDA loans are mortgages that are guaranteed by the Department of Agriculture. 它们旨在帮助低收入和中等收入的借款人, 尤其是那些住在农村和郊区的人, 买房子.
美国农业部的贷款不需要任何首付, 如果贷款金额不超过美国农业部的贷款限额, 价格因县而异,从377美元起,600 to $970,800 in 2024.
However, you will have to pay for two types of mortgage insurance: an upfront guarantee fee, 是贷款金额的1%, 还有年费, which is 0.每年贷款金额的35%. 这两项费用都可以预先支付,也可以滚动到贷款金额中, and they cannot be canceled unless you refinance to a conventional loan.
The benefits of USDA loans are that they have lower 利率s and more flexible terms than conventional loans. 它们的信贷和收入要求也更为宽松, and they allow for higher debt-to-income ratios than conventional loans. However, the drawbacks are that they have a limited pool of eligible properties. 还有更多的房地产限制. Also, the home must be your primary residence, and it must be located in a USDA-eligible area. 借款人还必须满足美国农业部的收入要求.

首付款资源 加州的首次购房者

First-time homebuyers can face an uphill battle when it comes to buying a home – especially in a high cost-of-living state like California. 幸运的是,有 首次购房计划会有所帮助.
这些项目通常提供首付款援助, which means you’ll receive money you can use toward the down payment. 首付款援助有两种形式:赠款和贷款.
A grant will not have to be paid back, as long as you meet the specific requirements. A loan will have to be paid back, but you can often delay that until you sell the home.


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