路由# 321076470

什么样的? 我需要保险吗??

2019年10月29日 4分钟

有适当的 保险 is an important part of financial well-being, but one that is often overlooked. Financial well-being is all about using your available financial tools and resources to make decisions that make you feel confident and secure about your finances.

And nothing contributes to peace of mind better than proper 保险 protection. 保险 is something that you might not feel the need for – until you really need it.

你的保险需求可能是一个艰难的决定. Certain types of 保险 are mandated by law (like liability 保险 if you drive a car). Other types are mandated in order to get a loan (such as homeowner’s 保险 if you have a mortgage). And other types are completely up to you, like 人寿保险.

Some people don’t have enough coverage to protect them in the event of an emergency, while many others are paying too much for the coverage they have. Striking a balance between the two is a great goal. Here’s some considerations that will help you find appropriate coverage:

Nothing contributes to peace of mind better than proper 保险 protection. 保险 is something that you might not feel the need for – until you really need it. ”

有多少 汽车保险 我需要吗??

为 汽车保险 make sure you have at least what is mandated by the state where you live. Then consider how ready you would be to handle the expenses of being hit by another driver. Most 保险 won’t cover a rental car while your car is being repaired, so consider whether you’re prepared to cover your transportation needs, or whether it’s worth paying extra for this type of additional coverage.

另外, you should consider UIM coverage (for uninsured or underinsured motorists) – this coverage kicks in if another driver is at fault who has no 保险 or minimal 保险. Your 保险 agent should be able to explain the various additional coverages above and beyond what’s required by the law.

我需要吗? 人寿保险? 有多少?

在哪里 人寿保险 is concerned, there’s a lot of things to think about. 第一个, 你应该决定你需要多长时间的保险, which should be dictated by your financial goals and your desires for your family. Life 保险 is designed to either last a certain period of time (called “term life”) or for a lifetime (called “whole life” or “universal life”). You may decide you only need 保险 for a certain period of time, 比如当你的孩子长大的时候, 或者在你有抵押贷款的情况下, 你应该买定期人寿保险.

另一方面, if you want the 保险 to cover things like your burial expenses or to replace your lost income to support your spouse, 然后考虑终身保险.

Once you’ve figured out what kind of 保险 to get, calculate how much 人寿保险 coverage you need. A straightforward way to do this is by determining the four common costs people want to cover with their 保险, 称为“DIME”方法. DIME代表:

  • D -债务 (This includes credit cards, mortgage, student loans, car loans, etc.)
  • I -收入 (有多少 of your income will need to be replaced based on the needs of your spouse and anyone else who depends on your income? Do you want to replace your income for the rest of their lives?)
  • M -死亡率 (What are your burial wishes and how much will those cost?)
  • 电子教育 (Do you have young kids that have childcare expenses? Do you want to help fund the education costs of your kids or other dependents?)

You’ll also need to consider your other financial goals. Some whole 人寿保险 policies can also be used as savings, and most have a cash value that’s meant to increase over time. These policies also have a death benefit (or face amount), which is the amount that will be paid out at the time of death. It’s a good idea to look at the ways you can use 人寿保险 as part of your total financial portfolio.

如何决定的类型 健康保险

为你的 健康保险, consider whether a high deductible or low deductible plan makes sense. If you take the highest deductible plan available to you, you could make up the difference with an emergency fund that is large enough to cover that deductible – this may be ideal if you seldom use your health coverage because you’ll benefit from the lower premiums.

If you take a low deductible plan on the other hand, 这通常意味着当你生病的时候, you pay less money up front before your plan starts paying. The common trade off is that you’ll pay more for your monthly premium when you have low deductible coverage. This type of plan may be ideal if you have a chronic health condition requiring frequent care, 或者如果你有孩子.

If you have a health plan offered through your workplace, 和你的福利管理员谈谈, 谁应该帮你决定采取什么计划. If you don’t have 健康保险 offered through your workplace or other similar provider, talk directly with the 健康保险 company – they should help you decide which type of plan is best for you.


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