路由# 321076470


2020年7月7日 4分钟

If you’re planning to retire soon, check out these steps that will maximize your finances once you’ve stopped working. Even if you’ve already retired, you may find these steps helpful in reviewing your 退休 finances – especially in light of recent economic volatility. If you have a spouse or partner, thinking through these steps together will be beneficial.

Don’t wait until after 退休 to make the decision about working – the sooner you decide, the easier it will be to plan.”

1. 定义你的 退休

Maybe you want to live closer to your children and grandchildren. Maybe you want to write a book. Maybe you want to volunteer in your community. Maybe you want to travel to the other side of the world. Think about the top three activities or goals you want to accomplish, and write them down. If you have some time before you retire, come back to your list periodically to see if these are the same three things you still want to do.

2. 弄清楚你的 assets and projected income

Now you need to figure out what your assets are and what your projected income will be. Your 爱尔兰共和军, 401(k), cash savings, and 社会保障 are all potential sources of income. As a Patelco member, you have complimentary access to CFS财务顾问*在你 当地的Patelco分公司. They can help you figure out how your assets will translate into income once you retire.

3. 决定何时服用 社会保障

说到收入, the age at which you choose to begin collecting 社会保障 has a direct impact on how much you can expect to receive. 在一般情况下, the longer you wait to begin collecting 社会保障, the greater benefit you'll experience. There are 社会保障 calculators online that you can use to figure out how much you'll receive based on when you choose to begin receiving benefits. Additionally, talking to a CFS财务顾问*在你 当地的Patelco分公司 or your tax advisor can also be helpful in making this decision.

4. 创建您的 退休的预算

Once you’ve settled on what you want to do in 退休, you need to figure out the 费用 that will be associated with meeting those goals and doing those activities. If you’re planning to remain in your community and stop working, you can look at your existing 费用 and probably plan to spend less on things like commuting. If you want to volunteer or do some other work after 退休, monthly 费用 like gas and car insurance may stay the same for you. If you want to travel or move, take those 费用 into account.

In addition to accounting for your 费用, you also need to account for paying for how much debt you have.

5. 决定你是否 still need or want to work

Now it’s time to compare your budget from step four with your income from step two. Once you’ve compared these, you’ll know if you need (or want) to continue working. Or you may decide you need to change your 退休 plans so that you can 制定预算 that’s more in line with your projected income.

"Work" means different things to different people in 退休. 对于一些, it means working part time purely to supplement income so they can meet their goals or live a particular kind of lifestyle. For others it means doing something unpaid (or at low pay) because they enjoy it – like being a museum docent or other volunteer.

You'll have to decide how much time you want (or need) to spend at a job and balance that with your goals. If you don’t want to work at all, make sure your budget can support your lifestyle. 无论如何, don’t wait until after 退休 to make the decision about working – the sooner you decide, the easier it will be to plan.


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